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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

cant believe the ordeal is ALMOST OVER.
But when i find it so tough studying, I keep telling myself studying is better than suffering in hell.
yea i know its a weird way of comparing but it really wakes me up and stop me from complaining.
As I was packing my room, I stopped at a old box of letters.
Love letters, christmas letters, birthday cards, letters from my dearest girl friends.
Bern and I used to write letters to each other SO MUCH.
and we would roll them up and stuff them in bubble tea straws and pass it to each other.
Lisa, Sheryl and I also wrote long love letters, confessing how much we love each other and the stupid, retarded, cant-stop-laughing moments we shared.
( Right my capee avengerrrrr? HAHA)
I remember when I was in sec four, we were super ON for band.
My whole sec life practically revolved around band, band camps, competition.
Trained and march everyday under the hot sun, finished practise at 6-7 pm everyday.
Then we would all go out to kfc, smelly and sweaty to eat. Making A LOT of noise wherever we go.
Those were the days I was ACTUALLY TANNED.
But compared to my friends, I was still the fairest.
They used to call me pink chicken. ( cause i only get pink, chicken cause I am like a BAI ZHAN JI)
super not funny?
My conductor would shout from the top floor
" PINK CHICKEN move more to your left"
" PINK CHICKEN move up two steps"
( when we were doing our formation, I am from a marching band ALVIN CHIA -.-)
Laughing and talking at the top of our lungs on the bus.
We had band camp in 2004, near Christmas.
I remembered everyone baking, giving each other cards, exchanging presents.
During the camp, we would run round the field 10 times.
sometimes 20, to gain more stamina, increase breath support.
Go out on sectional outings.
Blading from Ecp to parkway.
During band practises, clarinet and trumpet section will ALWAYS curry favor with our conductor.
HAHA fighting to be the BEST section.
( cause the loudest people are in this two sections)
As I continued reading the letters, SOO much memories passed my mind.
So many friendships I forged and hold so close to my heart.
The good times, the first time we cliched gold.
How we stood there on the field, tears flowing down our face, hearts leaping with joy.
Those four years were the BEST years of my life.
really the best years.
And no one can take those memories away.
How we laughed when we want to. cry when we want to. Sing when we want to.
Not caring what the world will think.
Steamboat sessions, late night movies, long phone calls.
My first fling.
How I miss those days.
But I guess we are have to go through different phase in our lives.
And this phase, still filled with love and laughter, is a phase where I gotta start growing up and think of my future.
HAHA if only time can stand still.
OK time to hit the books again.
SATURDAY is going to be a eventful and power-packed day!
Waited a million years for this day.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I am still up and going till maybe 5 am?
A heavy mod tmr at 10 am!
cannot wait for tmr!
A lil break before my last paper!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I checked out one of my essay assignment results.

And I was highly disappointed.

1. I put in a WHOLE mount load of effort.
2. Stayed up like a crazy woman for a week.
3.Got a really good friend to help me edit some stuff.

And yet the result is like crap.
I was really looking forward to see how well i will fare.
But it seemed as tho my effort went down the drain.
Doesnt help when I am struggling to study for my finance paper this thursday.
The result really stopped my studying momentum.

But I decided not to wallow in self pity and continue to fight the good fight.
Things that made me smile and tear.
Chocolate from my dad

Midnight tau huay delivery from my dearest lynn tan.

A good talk with my trusty friend, vin.



Yet will I praise thee

Monday, April 20, 2009

Now is time to let faith win.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Because I'm always one call and 7 mins away

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

While studying,I just felt this surge of postive/happy emotions.
And I just couldnt explain why.
I choose to believe its the joy of the Lord.

Happiness to me, can be found in the simplest things

Holdinghands Guylian Chocolates Long bus rides Listening to music Strolling down the beach Laughing with the family Hugs Swimming Home Aircon room Night Reading a love novel Cup of tea Cakes Unexpected sms Pranks affirmations Giggling over nothing Making gifts Surprises Rainbow Honey milk tea from church Movies Reading the bible Love letters Jokes Escapades Snuggling Gazing at the stars Cool breeze Gfs Getting the best buys

Above all,

Knowing that everything is going to be alright because God is with me.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Silly family jokes.
I realised my parents are getting FUNNIER and more COMICAL with the way they talk.
Sometimes they make really bimbotic/himbotic statements.
It really cracks Turn and i up!
Dad calls:
Devil wears prada --> Devil wears PRATA
google--> GOGGLE (yes the goggles you use for swimming)
Realised Dad is getting real sarcastic with his jokes too.
UP many levels already.
While I was doing my usual thing, complimenting myself in front of my family.
My brother will slap my face and tell me to wake up.
My dad will ask me to pray that God opens my spiritual eyes.
Told my dad my gf had a dream of me. He just looked at me and told me it must have been a nightmare.
HAHA Its ok dad. I am a bigger that that!
I forgive you (:
Mum calls:
The movie polar express---> polar BEAR
The tv show dance floor ---> Dancing ROOM
Bermuda triangle ---> bermuda SQUARE
chicken wings ---> chicken WIND?!?!?
As can be seen, my mum has much more going on in her list. HAHHA
There's many more examples but I cant remember em right now.
To make things worst, my mum usually makes such mistakes WHILE SCOLDING us.
Scenario one
Have not return bernice the polar express cd. She got really annoyed and scolded me.
Char: which show?
- Looks at each other and realised after awhile what she meant-
We were laughing our lungs out while she was still fuming mad.
It was classic i tell you.
aye ayee. These are some priceless moments that I will definitely look back and smile to myself.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

I just love the adrenaline rush.
The speed on the road.
The wind blowing in my face.
The swerving between cars.
Beating the red lights when there's no cars on the road.
Not very good for weak hearts tho.
It can be a lil too fast for my own good.
Love the long sup/talk we had.
Tho you may give people the impression that you are cold or unfriendly or act cool.
I am happy that when we talk, you are yourself, breaking every bit of icy-ness in you.
This is the day that the lord has made.
I will rejoice and be glad in it!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mad world

In a league of his own.

The way he sings and owns the stage.

He really captivated me and drawn me into the song.
Adam Lambert better win this season!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

This week has been really busy and packed.
Tho tiring but i feel it's been really fulfilling and I feel HARDWORKING! heee (:
I took up 3 teaching assignments- 2 in Schools and one p6 tuition kid!
Need to earn money for all the birthdays coming up! GOSHHH.
And I need to have a bit of savings in my bank every now and then if not i will feel a bit uneasy.
So I am happy I am busy in a GOOD WAY!

These week I conquered two test.
Both went really well!
WOAHHH my friends will know how panic-ky i got over FTT.
Thank God by his grace I PASSED IT!
Boy was it good to see the BIG PASS on the screen.


I am so involved in my teaching that i hardly have time to go out.
Juggling between sch, upcoming exams, teaching and catching up with my dearests!
Have been talking to P for awhile and we decided to meet up! So i roped my crazy hat friend along!
HER obsession for soccer, music AND HATS. GOSH.

We wanted to just chill, drink tea, eat cake and TALK! (:
Yay three of our orders!

It was my first convo not talking much.
I could count the no of sentences I spoke mainly because carol was educating us with her VAST MUSIC KNOWLEDGE. HAHA
It's incredible how she can remember every artist from way back
Every lyrics to each song.
P has his own band and obviously loves music too.
Shortly after, Carol starting her topic on her ultimate love- SOCCER.


But when it was my turn to speak, to share what I was good at.
I suddenly didn't know what to say.
I mean I love music. But my knowledge for music isn't that EXTENSIVE.
I can play musical instruments but I am not superb at it.
I love sports- badminton, blading, swimming but do not have a flare in any particular one of them.
I can sing but not fantastically well.
jack of all trades, master of none eh?

Sad but true.
Anyhow, I think my parents gave me the name charity for a reason.
Maybe i should bank on that.
I have been super intrigued by the 5 love languages.
Never really done a test for it. So i decided to give it a go!

Score Love Language

(How I treat both guys and GIRLS. heee)

1. Physical Touch

I love hugs the most. It feels as though as long as I am in the arms of the person I love everything will be A-Okay (: I love pecks on the nose and forehead! Its the sweetest and most innocent!

Simple gestures like holding hands makes me super contented.

OH btw. I saw this lil girl in town, she is SOO ULTRA CUTE.

I love what she was wearing and the way her hair was tied.

I HAD to take a picture of her!

(: I will dress my daughter up like that next time!

2. Receiving of Gifts

I love small lil gifts and surprises. It does not have to be expensive or branded.

Just sincere and meaningful (:

In fact i find joy giving my friends gifts or notes more than receiving.

Makes me feel happy like i TRIED to make someone's day.

( Lynn you are really really accurate. GOOD JOB! )

3. Words of Affirmation
4. Quality time

5. Acts of service
