It was my first convo not talking much.
I could count the no of sentences I spoke mainly because carol was educating us with her VAST MUSIC KNOWLEDGE. HAHA
It's incredible how she can remember every artist from way back
Every lyrics to each song.
P has his own band and obviously loves music too.
Shortly after, Carol starting her topic on her ultimate love- SOCCER.
But when it was my turn to speak, to share what I was good at.
I suddenly didn't know what to say.
I mean I love music. But my knowledge for music isn't that EXTENSIVE.
I can play musical instruments but I am not superb at it.
I love sports- badminton, blading, swimming but do not have a flare in any particular one of them.
I can sing but not fantastically well.
jack of all trades, master of none eh?
Sad but true.
Anyhow, I think my parents gave me the name charity for a reason.
Maybe i should bank on that.
I have been super intrigued by the 5 love languages.
Never really done a test for it. So i decided to give it a go!
(How I treat both guys and GIRLS. heee)
1. Physical Touch
I love hugs the most. It feels as though as long as I am in the arms of the person I love everything will be A-Okay (: I love pecks on the nose and forehead! Its the sweetest and most innocent!
Simple gestures like holding hands makes me super contented.
OH btw. I saw this lil girl in town, she is SOO ULTRA CUTE.
I love what she was wearing and the way her hair was tied.
I HAD to take a picture of her!
2. Receiving of Gifts
I love small lil gifts and surprises. It does not have to be expensive or branded.
Just sincere and meaningful (:
In fact i find joy giving my friends gifts or notes more than receiving.
Makes me feel happy like i TRIED to make someone's day.
( Lynn you are really really accurate. GOOD JOB! )
3. Words of Affirmation
4. Quality time
5. Acts of service
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