had fun as usual. cam-whored with rachy on the way to meet bern. wat else can we do? HAHA

sooo they decided to be nice and we had our hearty meal there!
look at our satisfied faces and empty bowls!

her piano exam's next week & she's pretty nervous.
being her best budds we went over to help her de-stress! :)
she played really well. BERMBO you are my inspiration to cont piano :)
really, the way u worked those fingers! kuddos to you man! so proud of you
and if you are reading this, i am sure you will get your distinction! just pretend i am beside you on the actual day and you will do more than alright :D
She drove us back after that! and look at the pic below!
the numbers are the same! super cool! 9.50 pm listening to class 95.
had to snap it!Tuition with naughty mexxy again! Bought him his fav waffles. and look at the mess he made.
argh boys~ while watching them play ds AFTER TUITION! ( I AM NOT A SLACK TEACHER)
i wanna get one for myself toooo * prays someone will rber ds while thinking of what to get me for my bdae! HAHHAHA*
We watched money not enough 2 and it was hilarious.i laughed for five mins during one particular scene. the show's really good joke.SINGAPOREANS please go and support our local movie. its not bad really.
tho the middle portions abit draggy but the moral of the movie is really good.
The show portrayed family's love and the happenings in spore now. My mum kept tearing! HAHAHA i secretly teared too:/ ( AT SOME Parts only )
( my sneaky lil bro was laughing away, i noticed okay! )
later at night we surprised mum with her fave cake! she was really surprised. didn't see that coming at all. so YAY! GOOD JOB TO US! check out my bro's-oh -this-is-so-exciting-face.
and my mum's-why-your-face-like-that face! AHAHA

Happy birthday mummy! you are the best gift God has ever sent me.
Without you and your constant support i don't know what will become of me.
I love you deep deeep and deepest.
words cant express how grateful i am and all that you have done.
indeed u have commanded much respect from your peers and my peers even.
i really hope to be like u someday.
ps: changed my blogskin cause i am so over the previous design.wanna do a collage on the top.
but my html skill sucks. oh wells i shall just make do with this :)