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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Long needed dinner date with my babes!:)
had fun as usual. cam-whored with rachy on the way to meet bern. wat else can we do? HAHA

I begged them to eat at mr chicken rice at ehub. really love the tau gay and thai tou fu :)
sooo they decided to be nice and we had our hearty meal there!
look at our satisfied faces and empty bowls! After which we went to bernice hse to pretend to be her examiner.
her piano exam's next week & she's pretty nervous.
being her best budds we went over to help her de-stress! :)
she played really well. BERMBO you are my inspiration to cont piano :)
really, the way u worked those fingers! kuddos to you man! so proud of you
and if you are reading this, i am sure you will get your distinction! just pretend i am beside you on the actual day and you will do more than alright :D

She drove us back after that! and look at the pic below!

the numbers are the same! super cool! 9.50 pm listening to class 95.

had to snap it!Tuition with naughty mexxy again! Bought him his fav waffles. and look at the mess he made.

argh boys~ while watching them play ds AFTER TUITION! ( I AM NOT A SLACK TEACHER)

i wanna get one for myself toooo * prays someone will rber ds while thinking of what to get me for my bdae! HAHHAHA*


We watched money not enough 2 and it was hilarious.i laughed for five mins during one particular scene. the show's really good joke.SINGAPOREANS please go and support our local movie. its not bad really.

tho the middle portions abit draggy but the moral of the movie is really good.

The show portrayed family's love and the happenings in spore now. My mum kept tearing! HAHAHA i secretly teared too:/ ( AT SOME Parts only )

( my sneaky lil bro was laughing away, i noticed okay! )

later at night we surprised mum with her fave cake! she was really surprised. didn't see that coming at all. so YAY! GOOD JOB TO US! check out my bro's-oh -this-is-so-exciting-face.

and my mum's-why-your-face-like-that face! AHAHA

Happy birthday mummy! you are the best gift God has ever sent me.
Without you and your constant support i don't know what will become of me.
I love you deep deeep and deepest.
words cant express how grateful i am and all that you have done.
indeed u have commanded much respect from your peers and my peers even.
i really hope to be like u someday.

ps: changed my blogskin cause i am so over the previous design.wanna do a collage on the top.
but my html skill sucks. oh wells i shall just make do with this :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My schedule for the rest of the busy busy week :)
Need to do something productive with my free time.
so i made up a self note board. :)

Yesterday i watched a documentary on arts channel.

They featured these 2 children born with skin disease. They are called the butterfly children.

Their parents have perfect skin but their child suffered reddish-skinless bodies.

pain is e only constant in their life.

Every morning this 16 yr old girl have to wake up at 2am just to fix her wounds.

The nurses had to put artificial tissues on her skin-less back for four agonising hrs. Just in time for her to get to sch at 6 after that.This procedure was to disallow infection and widening of the wound.Her whole back and neck looks like e red taiwan sausage, to put in crudely. She had to travel in wheel chair sometimes because the pain sapped a lot of her energy. The docs don't know how long more can she live.

Her 18 yr old bro's case wasn't half as bad. He had skin problems at diff area of his body.but small patches of it.

This disease may also affect them internally as well. Once the boy had internal blister on his throat and kept coughing out blood. Internal injuries could be fatal for them. My throat was super painful while watching the show, so i could relate to him. But my pain was maybe only 10 percent of what he is going through?

Every movement they take may be fatal. They cannot not play like normal children.

Butterfly children usually live up til max 30 years old.

While i was watching the show my heart really ached for them.

One small blister on our leg already caused us to squeal in pain. imagine a big patch of blister on your whole back. Bathing is a difficulty for them too. If they fall accidentally, their skin could tear and form open wounds that wont heal. I guess only when we open our eyes to such tragedies do we realise how blessed we are.

How normal we are and how comfortable our lives are.

Thank you God for our hands,our feet,our body and for making us whole.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

my throat hurts like madddd.

doesn't help when my heart is hurting as much.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Had a simple lunch at marriot hotel. my parents had a buffet voucher so the meal was free.
The food did not really meet our expectations. Not much variety of choices. Whats avail was not that fantastic as welll. oh wells, the cam-whoring was fun tho!
snapping away during lunch! the cake was not bad.
Enjoying whats on the table

My bro and i doing what we do best! I really love him because he is so sporty and out-going. And he loves taking stupid pictures too! Nothings fake with him so i am very thankful and grateful for our peaceful sibling rs. And even tho he is sec four already, he still fills me in on his personal life. Some of my friends used to tell me that as he grows older he will talk to me less. Thank God its not the case. In fact he is talking much more! Its always fun to have him around because we do alot of silly things together :) Carol once said we look like a couple! HAHAA

My wonderful, god-given parents. They were there for me all these while, never gave up on me.

My pillar of strength. Recently i have learnt to appreciate them more. Xue li mentioned during bs that those closer to us are more difficult to love. Or rather its harder to express our love.

i totally agree with her. Its not in my family culture to really express our love physically. But i know that my parents show their love by going the extra mile for us. And for that i am very thankful

My mum requested for us to take photo with her since its her birthday!

On the way home.. and when we have nothing better to do.. we... take pictures.*rubs my tummy* Good lunch good lunch

Friday, July 25, 2008

School will be so boring without these 2 babes.
tho sometimes sham really gets on my nerves! -.-
cut my fringe a lil cause i am so sick of my long fringe.
keeps showing my forehead! HAHA

Having sorethroat. sheeessh
its been awhile since i have been sick.
cant swallow my saliva wout the pain :(
i need my honey lemonnn!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Had dinner with my babes finally! Had it at our botak jones in bedok!
LOVE that place, cause its open and windy. A good place to chitty chatty.

The fries are superb too! lisa didn't let any one of them go! HAHA
After the dinner we were super full, so we decided to walk around and CAM-WHORE with my new camera! :) did many self-timer stupid shots. We jumped so many times until we almost puked.
up up and away!
LOL was the word we formed! :)

Then we headed to ice-cream chef! the place i wanted to visit with wilbur! :)
love that place for their cosy lil corner and their unique ideas of mixing ice-cream!
we could choose any mix-in we want to add to our ice-cream.The ice-cream was so0-so but the company was awwesommmeee!
Enjoyed the GNO.
we decided to conquer nike 10 km run tog. oh goodness gracious.
It's all in the mind its all in the mind.
School tommorrrowwwww~
Wake up early again!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Went to meet alvin for lunch at my fav place before going for the focus group.
Had our usual laksa and teh-o-peh :)
Had a hearty chat abt things that matters to us now.
cell, his cf camp, his preparation for leaders training etc .
Alvin is one person i can tell everything and not be condemmed.
So i thoroughly enjoyed the simple lunch, thanks for accompanying me!

After that i proceeded to go for this focus grp discussion where i got my incentive of 70 buckaroos! :)
I tell you the discussion was all about pure fun, laughter, chats for 3 hrs.
There were 3 girls and 3 guys in the room discussing about general things like-future,education,life in spore etc.
At first we were super quiet and awkward.
But once the ball got rolling we chatted like we known each other for awhile :)

The group of people there are like me; out- going, not shy to talk in a group and honest abt our opinions. :)
First we talked about general stuff,
then we were told to take three pics out of a pile of pics that reflects us and share :)
After awhile we moved on to talk about cameras.
which i gladly told them how i pleased i am with my new cam baby :)
This is my first time getting money for talking to new and interesting people and having fun!

We exchanged contact nos in the end so we can keep in touch!
how cool is that! making new friends! i love love to do that!

After a long day of sch,lunch and focus grp,i still had to teach naughty mexxy!
But it was ok, he made me smile a lot.
we took a lot of pics too! AHAH

Say hello to Mr ow and his mountain of assess books :)

siblings that loves each other to bits. Gyen is super sweet. she never fails to hug me when i reach and leave the house. I LOVE HUGS :) esp from sweet lil gyen
I am so blessed to meet this two angels. they really know how to make me smile with their innocence. Thats why i rather hang out with children then adults sometimes. At least they don't make things complicated but simple as it should be :)

i still love you mexxy even tho u keep farting during lessons.

Monday, July 21, 2008

please take time to read this. it may seem long but its worth digesting :)

A professor stood before his Philosophy class and had some items in front of him.
When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.

He then asked the students if the jar was full.
They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar.
He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.
He then asked the students again if the jar was full.
They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.
Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full.
The students responded with a unanimous "Yes."

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table.
Then poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand.
The students laughed.

"Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided,
"I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.
The golf balls are the important things -
Your God, family, your children, your health, your friends, and your favorite passions.
Things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, and your car.
The sand is everything else - the small stuff."

"If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued,
"There is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life.
If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you.
Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.
Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner.
Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal.
Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter.
Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented.
The professor smiled.
"I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a cup of coffee with a frien

my mum called while i was heavily msning.
she asked me to help her go down carry things. very heavy
so i went down even tho i was so involved in my convos.

then she passed me two SMALL bags.
then i looked at her with the -.- face.
i was like " very heavy meh?"
THEN SHE kept giving me this cheeky smile.
I was still like" huh ??? "

then after awhile she told me to look into the bag.
didnt even know i was carrying y canon baby! :)
Actually after thinking abt it and asking ppl around i decided to wait for the it fair.
Didnt want to rush my parents into buying it too.
but they were faster than i thought! :)

i am so touched.
happy beyond words :)
i am going to give them a hug now.
Thank you lord. Thank you for blessing me even when i don't deserve it.
These are memories i will always rber, memories to fall back on when tough times come.

Knowing that you will not leave me nor forsake.

You Are An ESFJ

The Caregiver

You are sympathetic and caring, putting friends and family first.

A creature of habit, you prefer routines and have trouble with change.

You love being in groups - whether you're helping people or working on a project.

You are good at listening, laughing, and bringing out the best in people.

In love, you value harmony and mutual understanding.

You will apologize or give someone the benefit of the doubt, if it means getting over a fight sooner.

At work, you are good at building relationships and connecting with people.

You would make a great nurse, social worker, or teacher.

How you see yourself: Organized, dependable, co-operative

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Opinionated, critical, and know-it-all

OOOOH i didnt know those that don't know me see me like that :(
The personality test is so so accurate.
Those that knows me well will agree too! ( esp in love part :B )
-extracted from tlj

Saturday, July 19, 2008

I cant wait to get my hands on you!
I desperately need my own camera to take photos. have been relying on my friends for them :(
2 more months 2 more months!
I shortlisted the colours to pink and champagne gold!
But prefer the gold classy one more!
2 more months!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Birthday celebration with a friend, a friend that i will never trade for anything in this world.

Our usual dosage of taking stupid faces.

Its a must-do when we meet up! HAHA

Prize giving ceremony! :)

a collage sewed beautifully by sheryl darling! :)

took her a million years to complete it! Such efforts just to make her bestie smile

The superb dinner, the mouth-drooling mango cheese cake and the wonderful company.

Lisa's got such a whacky and hilarious family. Thank God for that :)Thanks for all the laughter and heart warming times we had together.

I really miss u babes. meet up soon pls? :)

Through it all :)

Thank God! He knows i am abit tight now.
so he blessed me with a good lobang.
Going to rivervalley to do a survey and will be receiving a incentive of 80 buckaroos!
hope i can pass the screening! i need money!
If anyones interested let me know yea. see if i can pull in a few more! :)

I am going to stop buying so much clothes.
will have to save more from now on.
i really want to spend my last sem in melbourne.
My mum says i have to save up for myself which i agree.

I am excited for my future because my confidence is in the lord.
not in myself but in God. :)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

sometimes i like to be alone.
in my quiet little corner.
away from the crowd.
away from the parties, the people.

Putting down all pretenses.
Doing away with the facade.
Allowing my emotions to flow out as i please.

not many understands me, not many

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Happy birthday Alvin Chia Han Feng
( Posting my words in orange because its his fave colour! )

Alvin's hitting his big 2-3. getting older and older by the secs!

So we went out for a early birthday celebration! :) ( since he is so busy this week! p.p)

Popped by our all time fave place- ASTON!

cheap and good food! :)

see got wrinkles on his head le. tsk tsk.

Some cam tricks that i love playing with!


Then we went to chillax talk. Before we knew it, it was time to pamper our tummy.

On our way to crystal jade to satisfy my craving for their yummy yum yum porridge!

Showing off my new vintage wallet. Its a pressie from my darling carol! :)

So happpy! my previous wallet's rotting already, finally a pretty 20 yr old vintage wallet to replace it! love you! Ps: i know u are very blissful now ! HAHA

My delicious fish porridge! love it to bits man. super super shiok. Lynn loves it too! :)

Soft and super tasty.

Alvin's duck noodle. i tell you, it taste super heavenly. The gravy and the duck meat is super super shiok. Worth our every cent man, but the portions slightly small.

If only someone will bring me there again! HAHAHHA * dreams and droool *

The day ended with a funny yet serious movie- RED CLIFF.
Enjoyed every min of the show man. Tho its a serious war show , there are some really funny scenes. Zhu-ge liang is the comedian in the show. Oh and he looks super handsome too!
This is his second time acting in this kinda war shows.
The first was DA GE SHI DUI DE~
The main characters in red cliff are all very interesting to see.
enjoyed the show thoroughly with Alvin.
Oh yea.Alvin and Greg noticed there was a malay soldier in the show!~ HAHAHAHA
like super -.- right??!
You guys should go catch it but don't say i never warn you. the ending is kinda anti climax.
Thanks for the fun company! One yr older, one yr wiser yea?

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