Had dinner with my babes finally! Had it at our botak jones in bedok!
LOVE that place, cause its open and windy. A good place to chitty chatty.
up up and away!

LOL was the word we formed! :)

Then we headed to ice-cream chef! the place i wanted to visit with wilbur! :)
LOVE that place, cause its open and windy. A good place to chitty chatty.
After the dinner we were super full, so we decided to walk around and CAM-WHORE with my new camera! :) did many self-timer stupid shots. We jumped so many times until we almost puked.

love that place for their cosy lil corner and their unique ideas of mixing ice-cream!
we could choose any mix-in we want to add to our ice-cream.
The ice-cream was so0-so but the company was awwesommmeee!
Enjoyed the GNO.

we decided to conquer nike 10 km run tog. oh goodness gracious.
It's all in the mind its all in the mind.
School tommorrrowwwww~
Wake up early again!!!
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