Went to meet alvin for lunch at my fav place before going for the focus group.
Had our usual laksa and teh-o-peh :)
Had a hearty chat abt things that matters to us now.
cell, his cf camp, his preparation for leaders training etc .
Alvin is one person i can tell everything and not be condemmed.
So i thoroughly enjoyed the simple lunch, thanks for accompanying me!
After that i proceeded to go for this focus grp discussion where i got my incentive of 70 buckaroos! :)
I tell you the discussion was all about pure fun, laughter, chats for 3 hrs.
There were 3 girls and 3 guys in the room discussing about general things like-future,education,life in spore etc.
At first we were super quiet and awkward.
But once the ball got rolling we chatted like we known each other for awhile :)
The group of people there are like me; out- going, not shy to talk in a group and honest abt our opinions. :)
First we talked about general stuff,
then we were told to take three pics out of a pile of pics that reflects us and share :)
After awhile we moved on to talk about cameras.
which i gladly told them how i pleased i am with my new cam baby :)
This is my first time getting money for talking to new and interesting people and having fun!
We exchanged contact nos in the end so we can keep in touch!
how cool is that! making new friends! i love love to do that!
After a long day of sch,lunch and focus grp,i still had to teach naughty mexxy!
But it was ok, he made me smile a lot.
we took a lot of pics too! AHAH

i still love you mexxy even tho u keep farting during lessons.
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