Carol Tan IS baking!
OOOOooooh the power of love.
Joe's birthday is coming so she decided to bake him his fav- oreo cheesecake. WITH MY HELP OF COURSE!
So I sacrificed my studying time ( of which i think i would fail the paper ) to help her a lil.
But shes really not bad. Doing most of the job herself.
CAROL: Joseph said he wont eat charity's baking, so I have to stir and mix everything myself.
Her masterpiece. JOSEPH if you are reading this.
I merely helped her stir like maybe 1% of the entire stirring process?
Just to make sure its really blended well? HAHHAH
After baking we had to get ready for SOCIAL NIGHT (:
The only thing that excites us, or rather me, is the DRESSING UP.
we agreed to go because carol's cuzzie and his friends didn't have a date.
So being very kind, as usual, we went without knowing how our date looks like.
you know just to fill in the space.
The two pros in make up!
YAY my turn!
WOUT paying a single cent.
Our date should feel really shiok. We are super low budget dates.
In fact we didn't even spend on anything, help them save money
More of my fringe my fringe!

Our table had the weirdest bunch of people.
We had the tallest guy (192 cm ) , the only jap and a guy named DICK LONG sitting at our table.

How nice (: (:
the three of us kept laughing at him. super duper alike.
I should have video recorded him.
taking care of the little details, very considerate and attentive to us and made sure we were attended to all the time.
errrrr how should i put it. It was very ELABORATE?
Our table had the weirdest bunch of people.
We had the tallest guy (192 cm ) , the only jap and a guy named DICK LONG sitting at our table.
Tho we didnt know each other, eveyone hit if off really well.
We were the last group to leave the place (:

After awhile, when I got a lil tired, randomly decided to play with my spoon.
LOOK AT THE MAGIC I created (:
Forced the whole table to join me.
It was supposed to be our table picture but we had to eat the dessert
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