okkayy how about some more pictures to get rid of the ugly hives pictures.
HAHA whenever I view my blog I get horrified by the disgusting rash.
AND THANK GOD i am completely well and free from hives on wednesday! (: (:
I am feeling happy and chirpy due to a few reasons!
1. I FINISHED MY HMT PROJ!! For that few days of intense work, it felt like the project will NEVER END! I'm so relieved its finally O-V-E-RRRRRR.
ps: Thanks wilbur for your intellectual input! HAHHAHA
2. I am 21 this year and I finally received the GST OFFSET PACKAGE! $400 bucks eh! (: (:
HAHA nugget! This is dedicated to the SPECIAL few that purposely hao lian to me about their gst money last year, knowing I cant get it!
YESSS AR! The money came in so timely, to tide over my lil financial crisis!
3. I decided to CUT MY FRINGE after deciding for the LONGEST TIME.
I am super fickle when it comes to making such decisions.
and it doesnt help when i get mixed strong opinions about it.
Initially I wanted to wait until tmr's social night to cut but i just cant wait!
And i decided to JUST DO IT
YAY! (: I love my fringe. was super bored of the old long fringe.
4. I get to dress up with Carol Tan and mian mian tmr night! (:
oooh and about my HAPPENING VDAY.
I had to go school in the morning on that day.
Withnessed some super shocking incidents, which shook my quite a lil.
Was thinking a lot about it. What a way to start of my romantic day.
Then i had to go back and bake cookies for my churchies and prepare lesson.
sooo half the day was gone and I was half gone also.
But i was so upset the cookies oil soaked thr the paper bag. destroying some of my hearts! :(
But since we decided to have some happening time on Vday.
Lisa and her brother came to pick me up at 8pm and we ventured into this LOVELY small dempsey alike place.
OOOH the little cafes were soo beautiful and ROMANTIC ok?
But the food was so ridiculously priced. LIKE 2 SETS FOR $80 BUCKS.
CRAZY. I pity guys.
They have to spend so much on vday!
Anyways since we were not feeling rich, we decided to just go in to take pictures.
CAUSE i tell you the place is like A MINI romantic, cosy place with trees, flowers, strawhuts, fountains.
Its too romantic i decided to go back there the next vday.
TO EAT that is. not just take pictures!
lisa and I promised to double date there in future.

V- vengeance!

We ended up eating in a coffeeshop nearby with smoke fuming up our hair.
HAHA but it was really the company that made this vday so special.
THREE of us were super sour grapes while looking at couples and had convo that went:
" HOLD HANDS HOLD HANDS, DONT hold hands for awhile CAN NOT EH?"
" BUY FLOWERS FOR WHAT? also will WITHER in the end what!"
" RED is for anger not LOVE LO"
all in the name of fun.
So our vday was spend soaking in our endless convos.
from mini demp to the car to east coast to star bucks.
Tho we didnt make it to our initial rooftop plan and get to wear our nice dress.
we still had fun.