These are the reasons why 2009 started out GREAAATTTTT :D
S&L came over to my house to bake pineapple tartys.
I didnt help much but I ordered lisa to take a picture of me the ONLY time i helped.
oooh but the pineapple tartys turned out SUPERBLY well man!
REALLY addictive tartys.
I must say sheryl has a gift for baking.
Ah but baking no joke hor. Esp the washing up.
So whenever i bake for you guys ( esp the churchies ) You are must slowly SAVOR them!
Went to meet up with my mjc band cliche.
WE finally met up after a GAZILLION years.
But i was sooo happy to see them.
They are a bunch of really sincere ang genuine friends, enjoying each others' company and JOKES.
I cannot stop laughing when i am with them.
Days like these makes me miss our genting band trip together.
How we used to scream like mad in our hotel rooms while playing STRESS!
Fell and tripped over each other in the haunted mansion because we were too freaked.
good times good times :)
Lisa and I attacking abi soh.

CF-erss. Watched Australia with them.
WAAA the show was super loonngg eh.
quite a interesting show but I would NEVER watch it again.
Initially we wanted to catch ponyo ponyo. But obviously the guys didn't allow us :/
I joined christian fellowship in SIM not long ago but i must say the people there are really friendly.
not much problem trying to fit in :)

oooooooooohTHE next outing is super HILARIOUS.
This ungram guy below is from riverlife.
And the friendship we share is super super random and OUT of the blue.
LONG/funny story but I am really happy to know him.
He is a male version of carol and I.
gasps LOUDLY at every little things that amuses him.
EASILY amused.
Likes to shop.
I was out there giving him advise on which pants suits him better and stuff.
The whole day lisa and I were laughing at the things he said.
Really enjoyed ourselves that day :)
After that was my date with MY DARLING CAROL TAN HUI MIN.
Carol and I are like sisters.
we have way too many things in common.
1. Our brothers are called johnathan.
2. Our initals are C. she's hui min, I am hui shan.
3. We are both crazy and unglam.
4. We love rabbit sweets.
5. Our best/childhood friends are called rachel.
6. We both like soggy fries.
7.To our new collection of similarities ( which i just found out )
We both need to have our cheese burgers without PICKLES.

Tho it was a fruitless shopping trip I had soo much funn!And i haven got any new year clothes yet!
More shopping next wednesdayy!