Went out with my darling sec one for a early celebration! I met this mr nice guy when i was sec four. we both attended obs sabah and became really good friends! Its amazing how we continued to keep in contact till now. Those days in obs will always be in my heart. how we conquered the mount tog. Sec one was really gentlemenly, offered to carry my friends bag while climbing the mountain cause she was too feeble. Gave us hot milo and his blanket while we were resting in halfway up mount kk. Sec one i am so happy we are still good buddies! pls dun play any more prank on me when we go out.
Lunch to celebrate wil and mine together on friday!ATE at absolute haven. nice place with good ambience :)
thanks for the treat! :D
Next went out with vin vin for movie and dinner! :D I had so much fun with you. always feel so comfortable, no need for pretense because you know me so well :) I wanna spend more birthdays with you okay? 
This birthday i received lots of surprises and touching gifts:)
my friend surprised me with a lighted cupcake and a rose halfway during a movie
the whole cinema lighted ok! no kidding was quite embarrassing but a very unique idea :)
Then on the eve of my birthday, my crazy cell came over to my place for makan and games! I love you 2 girls! thanks for making the dinner so much more exciting and HILARIOUS!
As usual before the dinner, while waiting for the late birdies to come, we had to entertain ourselves with........... BRIDGE! HHHAHA
TIME FOR GAMESS! yong bin was teaching us this new game that according to him is very fun! HAHA but halfway along the game he REALISED we played in the wrong order! nevetheless, we had our fair share of laughter. miss mr yb. its been awhile since i last saw him. was really glad he made it to the party
The cakes i received :) I feel so loved when i received the home made cheese cake from lynn. its really delicious lynn, i loved it :)
These are the people that spent the early bdae morn with me! :)
I am really thankful i had them by my side the whole morn! :)
it really is a blessing to have good company and friends.
for that i will always cherish and thank God.
my trusty,hot pink, super chio phone which i vowed with carol never to change, DIED ON ME! :(
yep and i couldnt reply ANYONE! i can receive msges. but the moment i reply the phone hangs.
GOOD JOB MY CHIO PHONE. i never expect YOU ALL OF things to treat me this way :(
Oh wells the cam-whoring made up for it!
Time for some unglam-ness.
pls dont squirm.
my freezing victims :)
My dear friends surprised me with this 3rd lovely cake after speedlight! :) They pretended to be busy in the toilet while i was patiently waiting for them! suddenly everyone started singing me a bdae song :)
My dear friends :)
Went for lunch tog, one big group. :) i felt so contented and blessed. even tho we were eating in the kopitiam.
Sheryl's beautiful masterpiece! i was so happy the two of them came! love you guys alot know
This is a piece of art that has COUNTLESS UNGLAM photos of me. Goodness you have no IDEA. THANKS SHERYL. i sooooo feeel the love! HAHHA but thanks for making this. i really love it to the max. If my house's on fire, these are the things i will take with me!
Mr sng's CUTE AND CREATIVE PRESENT FOR ME! hahaha there is a story behind this gift. All you have to know is i am his LIFE SAVER. :) thats why i got the float
After choir prac, went to swensens for din din with my family! TOO bad my cam died on me :(
NEVETHELESS we had a hearty and fun filled meal.
Bro and I were laughing at how bimbotic/himbotic my parents are.
seriously, i think when you grow older you actually get YOUNGER. couldnt take a family photo BUT once i reached home! i immediately recharged the cam and SNAP SNAP SNAP!
He was soo happy with my gifts that he had to pose with it! :D

Some of the gifts i received :):)
The lovely scrapebook given by all my darling darling friends! :)Organised by Alvin chia han feng!
I am really touched by the effort they put it.According to rachy it was really last min, but the effort they took to design the pages made me reallly so happy. so happy that i have friends that love me so much.
Thanks alot guys, its this kinda priceless gift that i really adore.
First page done by Alvin the chip munk :)
lynn tan and grace.D lynn was bragging so much abt her beautiful page that she didnt want to give it to me. Cause its too beautiful! HAHAH! yea it really is my dear.
Lisa and chui mian
Bestie rach and bern
Salome and DE DE! :)
Wilbur Lua
And the present he gave me! HAHAHA i was messing up my place while finding the present ok! but it was so so exciting because i had this set of instructions to follow to get my pressies! i love one of his present ALOT ALOT ALOT. its a present i can SHARE with my friends! HAHAHAH
some of my friends FELT the shock already! LOL
will post up my bdae with my girlies soon! :)
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