Thank God she's back and freed from her exams.
Really happy for you miss tan!
our best/childhood friends are called rachel
our bros are both called jonathan.
we love to eat rabbit sweet.
Both super noisy and outgoing.
That's why are are sistas!
Choir decided to take a group pic. Take one
(check out carol's face. really don't know what was she thinking) Take two!
TAKE THREEEE! i think we are better off singing than cam-whoring! HAHA
My crazy sops that never fails to make choir practice so interesting. The silly actions we do to pei the lyrics.
Then i went to my sec buddies house for steam boatttt! That's all i ate.
lol and a few more fish balls and fish.
gerry:" she only eats nugget, hot dogs, fishballs."
so i cant go for buffets. :(
My friends can recite together the few food i eat. i know i am a fussy pot.

So i was super happy when esther asked me to have dinner with them( which means they are not angry :) :) :) YAY i will be a better friend ok?

BRIDGE. yea i know i know. i should get over it right?
but nooooooooooooo not till i get bored of it. :)
taught esther how to play and she learnt quite fast! not bad ar babe! :) so proud of you
My silly friends since sec one :)
They say i look the best in the last pic.
Thanks alot ar FRIENDS!
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