Always wanted to catch it but i didnt have the time.
I absolutely love love love this movie.
Its about a young prodigy that can hear music in the wind and sky.
He's a orphan full of hope in finding his parents through music.
The music mysteriously draws him to
new york city in a quest to find-somehow,
someway his parents that were separated from him 11 yrs ago.
And along the way, he discovered the music genius hidden in him!
I had goosebumps listening to the music and allowing myself to flow with it.
The instrumentals and singing in the show really made me miss good old band days.
where we practised at least 3 times a week.
the harmonising and tuning.
Running of notes.
I'm really inspired to continue music.
Music is really a gift from God.
It is so magical and peaceful.
There are like only 7 notes but it can be churned into billions of songs all over the world.
All unique in its own element.
Music is something i can never live without.
4.5/5 pop corns. ( at least to me )
But those that don't appreciate music may not like these kinda show.
whoever wants to borrow, just let me know kay! :)
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