Imagine me
loving what i see when the mirror looks at me
cause i,
i imagine me
in a place, of no insecurities
and i am finally happy cause i, i imagine me
Letting go of all the ones who hurt me
they never did deserve me
can you imagine me?
saying no to thoughts that try to control me
Remembering all you told me
Lord can you imagine me?
Over what my mama said and
healed from what my daddy did
And i wanna live and not read that page again
Imagine me being free trusting you totally
finally i can, imagine me
i admit it was hard to see
you being in love with someone like me
but finally i can, imagine me
Being strong
And not letting people break me down
they wont get the joy this time around
can you imagine me
In a world where no one has to live afraid?
Because of your love, fears gone away
can you imagine me?
Today's dance was lovely, i enjoyed myself thoroughly tho there were a few mistakes
but bottom line, we were still so happy dancing for Jesus :)
The dance crew practised really hard, prayed really hard and it turned out well.
This song above, with every lyrics, it means so much to me.
it speaks so much to me, i can totally fit into every line of this song.
so its very personal to me.When i dance i put my soul into the meaning of the song.
Not letting people break me down, letting go off ones who hurt me :)
its easy to understand the song but really applying it, its tough.
Funny how God help me realise that i didnt fully capture the song and apply it in my life.
Funny how God put me in a situation exactly like what the song described almost immediately after i've danced it.
Funny how the devil tries to bring us down.
But imagine me finding my confidence in God, imagine me fixing my eyes on the prize, imagine me looking at the mirror thr God's eye.
I thank God for this song, for those that didnt really understand the dance( which i hope you did ) you can go to youtube to look at their mtv :) its really touching.
I truly hope everyone who went for sos appreciated this song as much as i did and i hope it spoke to you guys :)
loving what i see when the mirror looks at me
cause i,
i imagine me
in a place, of no insecurities
and i am finally happy cause i, i imagine me
Letting go of all the ones who hurt me
they never did deserve me
can you imagine me?
saying no to thoughts that try to control me
Remembering all you told me
Lord can you imagine me?
Over what my mama said and
healed from what my daddy did
And i wanna live and not read that page again
Imagine me being free trusting you totally
finally i can, imagine me
i admit it was hard to see
you being in love with someone like me
but finally i can, imagine me
Being strong
And not letting people break me down
they wont get the joy this time around
can you imagine me
In a world where no one has to live afraid?
Because of your love, fears gone away
can you imagine me?
Today's dance was lovely, i enjoyed myself thoroughly tho there were a few mistakes
but bottom line, we were still so happy dancing for Jesus :)
The dance crew practised really hard, prayed really hard and it turned out well.
This song above, with every lyrics, it means so much to me.
it speaks so much to me, i can totally fit into every line of this song.
so its very personal to me.When i dance i put my soul into the meaning of the song.
Not letting people break me down, letting go off ones who hurt me :)
its easy to understand the song but really applying it, its tough.
Funny how God help me realise that i didnt fully capture the song and apply it in my life.
Funny how God put me in a situation exactly like what the song described almost immediately after i've danced it.
Funny how the devil tries to bring us down.
But imagine me finding my confidence in God, imagine me fixing my eyes on the prize, imagine me looking at the mirror thr God's eye.
I thank God for this song, for those that didnt really understand the dance( which i hope you did ) you can go to youtube to look at their mtv :) its really touching.
I truly hope everyone who went for sos appreciated this song as much as i did and i hope it spoke to you guys :)
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