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Monday, June 30, 2008

I didnt know it's going to be so hard.
so so hard.
But the decision we reached is for the better.
But like what A said mind over heart.mind over heart.

Maker of this heart of mine.
you know me very well.
you understand my deepest thoughts more than i know myself.
so when i face the darkness
when i need to find my way
I trust in you shepherd of my heart.
We'll trust in you shepherd of our heart.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Had a fantastic time of sharing with my cell.
First time my lil ones lead praise and worship.
Like i told them, it was not how well they played but
what moved me was their service unto the lord and the cell.
How they self-lessly offered to render their talents to God.
My heart smiled so widely. I was truly truly glad.

Then we proceeded to sharing.
I shared my situation and poured my heart to them.
Hoping they would also follow and be open.
It happened.
Some of them really shared their probs that they are facing.
Some broke down.
My heart cried with them.
But i was so so soooooooooo happy they took a step of faith and boldness to trust in each other.
To open up and be transparent.
Thats what a true bonded cell is.
To constantly be sensitive to each other, affirming each other, heading in the same direction.
Like a family of support.

Thank you God for such a wonderful refreshing time of ministering and fellowship.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Just came back from lunchie with my tl bunchies and a dance concert:)
Finally met up with them after quite awhile and i had fun sharing my current situation with dear stephanie and josie. They are spiritual sisters that i really look up to. They really walk the talk and are used mightily by God. Thanks for reassuring me with your lives :)

After lunch i was walking around with heels so i was pretty much worn out.
But i had to drag myself to watch BBOYZ AND THE BALLERINA in esplanade.
Initially i regretted paying for the tickets. But after i watched it!
They can dance so well that i have no words to describe them.
Everytime they do their stunts i just stare in amazement.
How can anyone move their bodies like that? They look like robots controlled by a human.
Each time they spin on their heads, do out of the world flips my hair would stand.
Is that possible? How long do they have to train to attain results as such? How much injuries,sweat and pain to put up such an incredible 1 1/2 hr show?

God really blesses us with different talents and i think the gift of dancing is really precious and cool.
Dancing can really convey a story without talking.
Bboyz and the ballerina sounds really weird and Ta tally right? like how can this 2 genres compliment one another.
Well it was an eye-opener for me. The dance sorta infused ballet and breakdancing/hiphop together quite beautifully.
It wasn't just dancing non-stop, they danced to a story, a plot.
There was romance involved~~ The lead male and female look really great together.
Female: Graceful, slim and looked like she really needed protection.
Male: masculine, superb in break dancing, strong and gave a sense of security.

So they were like the spot light of the whole show. I guess girls are just suckers for guys that would give them a sense of security! :D
After the show we lepaked for awhile and guess WHAT WHAT WHAT~~
Salome got super super hyped up and hurried us to go queue !
i tell u soon after there was a long queue and people were screaming and shouting!
Hilarious i tell you! :)

he pops like a pop-corn machine i tell you! FANTASTIC! I was so excited when i took e pic with him! :) i squealed like a chip munk after i looked at the pic! :D :D :D

The couple at the side are the lead roles! The girl is so prettty yea?
Salome blocking my fav popper! ARGH! LOL

Lo and behold while we were walking to the mrt station.
We bumped into salome's eye candy.
While we were learning dance awhile ago, this guy would practice after our time slot.
He can do some really amazing moves. The first time sal set her eyes on him, she found him really cute and shyyyy.AWWWWW
she was so hyper when she saw him! Since its a bboyz day i dared her to take a photo with him.
What can u loose, i mean its all in the name of fun.
And there you go, a happy dancer with a MUCH HAPPIER dance-tress ! HAHAHA

Ps: she is still on cloud nine. but he's really cute. :X

This is the end of our happening dance episode.Thank God i dragged myself there! would have miss out so much fun if i sold the tickets to someone else! :) We were telling chui mian how PRECIOUS HER phone is because we took the pics with her hp.LOL
Thanks dear for the photo and for the wonderful night out!

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

A's only in malaysia.
and i already feel like that.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Came back from tution with my new p1 boy- MEXXIMIOUS!

yep, i was quite shocked when i found out his name.
But man, he is a smart kid! I've observed that kids nowadays are getting smarter and smarter.
My darling joye is really smart and witty too!

Back to mexx, when i first met him he ran out and shouted" AAREEE YOU MISS CHARITTTTYYYY? "
What a way to start off the tuition, he kept me smiling thr out!
He told me he studies and do assessment books everyday from 730 to 10pm?!??!
P1 only!>!>! can you believe it???

Plus, he was like introducing all his assessment books to me one by one. He got 4 chinese, 6 english and 3 maths assessment books!!When he finished introducing them, he smiled very widely. Like machiam thats his fav toys.-.-
And he told me he loves doing it! i was like, hmmmm ......
I am thinking next time i wouldnt let my child have tuition so young?!!!
PRIMARY ONE LEH?? let him enjoy life abit first la??

But then again i love teaching smaller children, so cuttteeee and innocent.
So i shouldnt complain, oh man and his younger sis is so cute.
She loves strawb short cakes too! :)

Thank God for this job offer tho it is not very very highly paid.
Cont to bless me with good interpersonal skills with their family and give me wisdom so i can help him be the top of his class! HAHAHA.
AMEN! :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

These few days a series of unfortunate events happened ( sounds familiar right! )

But i am still going strong. i still choose to believe God is always near and he has not forsaken me.

Today's supposed to be our second year anniversary, however we are still taking time to think about things and our direction/prioritise in life/ whether this rs is in the purpose of God's will.

Anyhow i am so so so glad we talked things out maturely, still love each other, to be there for each other ( if not as lovers as friends ) So we are still gg out on this special day which we have planned for long ago!

we will be watching movie, cooking at A's place and go to cheesecake cafe for desserts! YAY!

Our rs went through many ups and downs, trying to accept each other for who we are, compromising, showing ways to love each other and edify each other. I am proud to say this 2 yrs of companionship i've gained, it has changed me alot. This is my first serious rs and the first brave step i took to enter it. So i want to dedicate this post to alvin

Dear Alvin.

I've reflected and you have been a excellent bf to me.

Massaging me whenever i am tired or when i come back late from work

Putting me to sleep whenever you come by.

Buying supper and watching movies together at my place. And you having to go back so sleepy/tired.

Being my emotional support when i had family/friends/any problem at all.

never judging me for the wrong things i 've done.

Always complimenting me whenever i've done something good.

Giving me all your prawns when we eat laksa.

Exchanging your food with me just cause i didnt like what i ordered

Spending all your time/effort and sweat crafting my bd/vday/anni presents.

Planning surprises with my besties just to see a smile on my face.

Bonding so well my bro to the extent of bullying me together.

When the 3 of us go out, i feel so natural, don't have to pretend to be someone else.

You two always protect me from everything and i feel so safe.

Always catching me in time whenever i trip or fall off balance.

Always know how i will react and say " i knew you would say that"

Always ready to help me in anything/everything ( projects assignment, computer stuff )

Tasting my baked treasures even tho you don't really like sweet stuffs.

Spurring me on to do better or try again whenever i burnt my brownies.

Bringing me back to God whenever i go astray.

There is so much more that i appreciate you for.

But they are beyond words, only heart-felt thanks.

This picture that i made with the help of chui mian is dedicated to you :)

I love you very much.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Went out with carol, joye( my cutie lil p2 girl ) and her brothers.
it was a really fun time of bonding.
i love joye to bits, shes my bundle of joy and excitement
i love her as if shes my younger sis.
She helped my take my mind off unhappy stuff :)

Walked around with her holding her hands, brought her to dinner.
She clinged on to me the whole day and i love that feeling.
I love how innocent children can get.
How they can live carefree lives.
Not having to worry about things.
Just being themselves.

For those concerned,
i am fine, talked things out and we know which direction we are heading :)
The joy of the lord is my strength!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

be strong.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Imagine me
loving what i see when the mirror looks at me
cause i,
i imagine me
in a place, of no insecurities
and i am finally happy cause i, i imagine me

Letting go of all the ones who hurt me
they never did deserve me
can you imagine me?
saying no to thoughts that try to control me
Remembering all you told me
Lord can you imagine me?
Over what my mama said and
healed from what my daddy did
And i wanna live and not read that page again

Imagine me being free trusting you totally
finally i can, imagine me
i admit it was hard to see
you being in love with someone like me
but finally i can, imagine me

Being strong
And not letting people break me down
they wont get the joy this time around
can you imagine me
In a world where no one has to live afraid?
Because of your love, fears gone away
can you imagine me?

Today's dance was lovely, i enjoyed myself thoroughly tho there were a few mistakes
but bottom line, we were still so happy dancing for Jesus :)
The dance crew practised really hard, prayed really hard and it turned out well.
This song above, with every lyrics, it means so much to me.
it speaks so much to me, i can totally fit into every line of this song.
so its very personal to me.When i dance i put my soul into the meaning of the song.

Not letting people break me down, letting go off ones who hurt me :)
its easy to understand the song but really applying it, its tough.
Funny how God help me realise that i didnt fully capture the song and apply it in my life.
Funny how God put me in a situation exactly like what the song described almost immediately after i've danced it.
Funny how the devil tries to bring us down.
But imagine me finding my confidence in God, imagine me fixing my eyes on the prize, imagine me looking at the mirror thr God's eye.

I thank God for this song, for those that didnt really understand the dance( which i hope you did ) you can go to youtube to look at their mtv :) its really touching.
I truly hope everyone who went for sos appreciated this song as much as i did and i hope it spoke to you guys :)

Friday, June 13, 2008

We had a fantastic GNO with her family.
Went for a delicious meal with her family and cousin.
took a spin in a convertible, it was Capital A-mazing!
That was first time i sat in a convertible, we practically let our hair down and let the wind take our laughter and music away!

Dear birthday girl,
You are someone i can really be crazy and laugh my lungs out with.

You cry with me thr my hard times, celebrate with me thr my joyous times.

You never fail to brighten up my days with our msn convos, the things we talk about is really out of this world. * you know wat i mean.

You will always nudge me when sheryl-miss-know-it-all says something we don't know.

You give me the right advice when i needed it most.

You don't scorn me when i do something wrong, instead you encourage me to do better.

You will always sound excited to taste what i bake.

You intro good stuff to me like HM on you tube! HAHA

I love how we always talk about the good o days and never get sick of it.

I love how we always laugh at the HM episodes and imitate them.

I love how we enjoy RL worship soo much.

I love how we always get excited over the lilest things.

I love how we always cam-whore and make the wierdest comments about them.

I love how we want to invest in a anti-fat camera.

I love how we write letters to each other and i hope it will never stop cause i love receiving them.

I love how we always call each other a pao when we look back at our younger days.

I love how we will pray for each other whenever we needed support.

I love the idea of knowing you will always have my back.

lastly, i love you and this friendship we have.

Happy birthday once again my dear dear friend.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

This is our second outing since forever man!
and it was superbly fun, filled with uncontrollable laughter!

Laugh till bang table super hard kinda laughing!
Oh man i really enjoyed myself thoroughly with my dear kids.
More updates when i received all out photos. cam-whored like mad.
i am sooo happy because my heart's desire is to see the cell unite as one, forge close friendships and be there for each other in times of hardship and to love God more than anything else.
One member in particular changed so much( for the better ) i almost could not believe he was like that in the past.He even sacrifice watching the same movie twice because the girls in my cell wanna watch it terribly. My heart warms when i see u guys transform.

For those that came and made this outing happen, i truly appreciate your presence.
For those that couldnt make it, we shall have another outing soon!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I am sooo excited for sunday!
i know we are going to do just fine.
Because we have prayed and by faith God will keep us together as one.
Our every movements, actions will be led by the holy spirit.


every struggle, every insecurities, gone gone all gone.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Went out with lynnie darling today!
Its been so long since we last go shopping or out for a meal.
So todays pretty special to me :)
we had a great time relieving good o' memories.
From choir to crushes to old cell days and the most common topic- THE CHIA BRUDDERS!

Quote quote: Its a guys thing! HAHAHHA.
Shopping was a fruitful because i didnt really find anything nice!
However the company was great GREAT GREAT!

After that i came home to bake with my lil bro. ( by req )
Yesterday, we baked brownies tog and the turn out was pretty amazing.
The brownies were not burnt or too sweet or too hard or tasteless.
In fact i love love it! and the icing was pretty good too! :)
YAY thank God!
i am really delighted with the results.

So my bro wanted to bake for his friends to SHOW them that HE can bake very well. AHEM
so being such a nice sis i decided to help him!
spare the thick skin-ness.
Anyhow we started on our mission.

Ingredients- egg,sugar,butter,unsweetened chocolate,flour,vanilla escence,salt

Melting the choco and butter.Mixing it with egg Sugar
and flour!Stir it together well and evenly
And pour it on a metal thingy. watever u call that!
Pre heat the oven before putting the mixture in!
Tadah simple as ABC! :)
oK So since we have to wait for 45 mins before making the icing he went back to using the computer. And i went back to my room to talk on msn with my lappie. Then a convo popped out!

Note: My bratty bro finds joy in teasing or playing pranks on me.
I think he earns money from doing so. So i usually think twice abt what he says.
BRO says:
BRO says:
the oven died
BRO says:
cherry pop~ says:
cherry pop~ says:
cherry pop~ says:
BRO says:
you toot face-.-
cherry pop~ says:
BRO says:
it really died
BRO says:

cherry pop~ says:
u trying to bluff me right

BRO says:
BRO says:
cherry pop~ says:
always trick me
BRO says:
u seriously should come out see

yup! my faithful oven died on me.:(