Sheryl decided to be a nice friend and cook for us! So she invited us to her place to have dinner!
It was a GREAT TIME of games and fun man!
Just look at the faces when we were playing taboo.
It was a roaring time of laughter and saboo-ing! HAHAHA
Then it was time for theee girls to unleash our wild/crazy side!
Be warned of the unglamourous pics
Ok my flying hair was the centre of attraction in that pic! HAHAAH
Ianny saw us having so much fun! he decided to join in! HAHAHA
We did all these shots one after another without stopping!
If you realise the last collage i was practically in my own world.
While the 2 idiots behind me are posing TOGETHER!
But gathering like these really makes my day.
Sheryl thanks for cooking for us and its my honour to be there!
Friends come and go, only some leave footprints in your heart.
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