tired tired, reccently quite busy with many things!
Met rachy after work to buy MOL clothes :) :) yay more to update for christmas! yea yea!
hahahah! i was late so she had to be a loser and eat alone in long johns! sorry ar dear!
Talk abt being late!
Out of very good will! i went to woodlands lib to help my friend borrow this excellent book by ted dekker!
The title's three! man, everyone should go read it, esp if you love thrillers!
This book is the ultimate thriller man, you wont know why its called three only untill the END OF THE BOOK! :) how cool is that! And its has a very HUGE ENORMOUS TWIST in the end.
A twist you can never ever imagine.NEVER OK, SERIOUSLY!
Anyways back to the late story, i found the book! so was very happy, got another book by him for myself too! ( by the way he is a Christian author ) Then when i was walking down i realised i lost my DAD'S EZLINK WITH $ 20 VALUE INSIDE!
Must be when i drop from the bus before i reached the library!
double arghhhh
i hate to loose things that are not mine! I feel so irresponsible and bad:(
Its been a long time since i last lost something.
felt very lousy. But had a heart to heart sms talk with my dear.
He really lifts me up in situations as such.
We both agreed every downs has something for us to learn and we should NOT let satan steal out joy!
so immediately after that, i felt a whole lot better
2 things to add to my happiness :
1. CAROL TAN HUI MIN is back!!!! i miss that crazy girl.
And she bought goodies back for me! :) yay yay
2. Tmr's my last day of work!!! wooooooo hooooooo
I can now officially pronounce greg as the ONLY slacker left!