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Monday, April 28, 2008

I dun understand, i am fustrated.
but i am gonna stick with the word
Give us clean hands and pure hearts says:
I'm not the easiest person to love

HAHAH this is so lame and random,
i asked my friend on msn what is the first line of corrine may's on the side of me.

AND when he typed that ( which is REALLY the first verse of her song), i Laughed hard at it.
as tho he is really telling me that himself!

OKAY! I THINK i am really very lame
must be the exams!

back to my boooooks!
two down!!

Exams always leave me a question in my heart.
why is it some people, can do well or even better than me when they studied so lil!
Why are they always so "LUCKY"
It feels/seems so unfair sometimes.
But i always remind myself, God loves everyone the same.
God is a fair and just God, things happen for a reason.

i hope someday you will open my eyes and help me understand.
open up my eyes to the things unseen

I more than a conqueror through him that loved us!
I am more than a conqueror through him that loved us!
My most dreaded module- accounting is on wed.
I am more than a conqueror through him that loved us!

Lesson learnt on sunday: We are made in the image of God, be compassionate towards our neighbours, even the unlovable. Be compassionate in our words, actions. By insulting.mocking others, we are insulting.mocking God.

Sweet surprise~~

Salome came on sunday night to buy drinks for me and some munchies. :)
Even offered to pray for me!
Girl your actions touched my heart deeply!
May God bless you as you cont to be a blessing to ppl around you!

Friday, April 25, 2008

ok one exam down!
two more next week- accountings and ob!
need to jia you times 10 for those two papers!
finally, one last one on 5 may!
i am this close to having a party! argh!! exams faster end!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

black or white?
black or white?
black of white??

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

On the way to carols birthday party! woooooo hooo!
we went earlier to deco her chalet to a arsenal fan club look alike!

We met chuimian to design the banner! ( WHICH CAROL thought we were trying to embarrass her with it! WAH LAO! such a ungrateful friend! ) lol
The white picture is on top of the banner is a arsenal logo!
Cm printed out arsenal pictures to paste around her chalet!

HER-Carol's team players! HAHA
We printed out arsenal stickers in which everyone has to stick on themselves!
Carol's happy whenever she thinks of arsenal!

camwhoring in front of the brick wall is sooo cool!
wheeeeeee ( we look like small kids here! )

monkeying around! even when my exams are not over! HAHA

Carol's daughter or rather a sister she never had- joye! :)
Happy birthday 21st girl! :) You have been a great friend and blessing to me!
I really treasure this friendship that we have! Many more years to go man! :)
May we go high tea and shopping together even when we have kids and grow old!

Monday, April 21, 2008

phill 4:6
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything , by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcend all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

I pray that alvin would be well from his flu attack and give him strength for everyday of his revision.
I pray you will hear his cries and if he is feeling stress, your presence will take it all away.
like how you ask us to cast our cares and burden on you.
because you love us :)
I pray you give us wisdom, clarity of mind and peace that transcend all understanding!

your princess :)

"He who is in you, is greater than he who is in the world."
1 john 4:4

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Carol's 21st birthday was really fun and exciting!
Chuimian, rachy and I went down earlier to decorate the chalet.
i Shall do another post abt that when i have the pictures!

Carol's cousin happens to be my course mate!
He recognised me and asked if i am from sim!
so QIAO! hahaha!
Anyways, he told me the accounting test results are out!

I posted before that whatever the teacher told us to study didnt come out.
And i only know how to do 2 marks worth of the whole 20 marks test!
i was so scared man! but i sort of resolved in my heart that its okay, and i just had to work harder for my main exam!

GUESS WHAT! I JUST WENT to check my results!
and i got 12/20!~~
i know it may not be fantastic but i super uber happy already!
i thought i would fail badly! :)
Thank God!
ok i shall go back to my studies :)
yay yay yay :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

i hate accounting i love accounting i hate i hate accounting i love accounting
i hate i hate i hate accounting i love accounting i love accounting
i LOVE ACCOUNTING i must love accounting.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Supposed to catch untraceable with wil but i decided to PS him!
went for dinner with him, rachel and 2 of her cell members instead!
hahah! of which one of them didnt know i exist in speedlight!!!!
EVEN after seeing me on stage.!? HAHAHA!
THAT BOY is hilarious! And he thinks my name is cheyadanne?!?!
( why in the world would anyones' name be spelled like that? )

He second guessed my name to be CHEY-NUT, CHEY-THEN!?!
I decided to be kind and spelled my name out.
He thought it was pronounced as chair-it!
I GAVE UP and told him my name!
ARGH! RACHEL! WHY YOUR cell member like that?!?!
i shall forgive him cause he looks very cute! HAHA!

The dinner was a funny and siao one, with out of the world topics.
But it was a good way of de-stressing myself!

need some sleeeeeep
good night world
Everyone is in the study mood now!
argh, many many churchies are blogging about theeee exam stress!
At first, i really had trouble concentrating and focusing on my studies.
its been like.. One year? since i last touched any study materials.
The inertia to mug is simply 0%

But the thought of retaking another module and paying another 1k really drives me to STUDY!
I've learnt in OB that self-talk is good for motivating ourselves!

after that you can do anything you want!!!

I also learnt that self rewards help push you to achieve your goals.

Post exam fever
1. Outing with my gfs!
2. Date with rachy to get-to-know-her-better ( irony irony )
3. baking baking baking!
5.SHOPPPING!!! ARGH i hear the malls calling out to meeee :)
6.work with sheryl in oriental/ continue teaching!
7.overseas with girls
8.2nd Anniversary with <3

i am off to study now!
hee hee hee!
do my test do my test do my test!
this is so exciting!

The- who-knows-me-best FEVER!

Ps: rachel i promise to be a better friend! HAHA

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A kite affair :)

Mr oww trying to fix the kite!

seeee! i am a better kite flyerrr! :)

Beautiful beautiful kite :)Sadly, towards the end mr kite got stuck in the tree! we couldnt get him out :(

But neeeeeh mind! the flying experience was price-lesss~

Before we reaced ecp, the weather was very still.

But thank God once we arrived at our spot, the wind came blowing! :)

So i was/am very very pleased.
perfect weather, perfect enviroment and perfect company :)

Monday, April 7, 2008

A simple prayer to God

sing with e angels says:
that you will bring us through our exams but we are more than conquerors through christ who love us
char: i love cupcakes says:
char: i love cupcakes says:
yes yes yes
sing with e angels says:
char: i love cupcakes says:
help us be confident
sing with e angels says:
ok ok ur turn
char: i love cupcakes says:
and help us noe
sing with e angels says:
yes lord
char: i love cupcakes says:
we cannot do this on our own
char: i love cupcakes says:
but with u!
char: i love cupcakes says:
so father i pray u bring us closer to u
char: i love cupcakes says:
and grant us wisdom
sing with e angels says:
yes lord, because if you are for us, who can be against us?
char: i love cupcakes says:
char: i love cupcakes says:
clarity of mind, calm spirit and peace that surpass all understanding
char: i love cupcakes says:
sing with e angels says:
sing with e angels says:
thanks honey

We have a technically savvy God too yea :)
come back to your first love

Thursday, April 3, 2008

And it was fun fun fun!

I met chui mian in bugis to discuss some stuff in the afternoon and rachel after that to buy balloons and cake for john!
we bought this GIGANTIC smiley faced flower! SHUCKS i need to show u guys how spastic that flower is.
Anyways we felt so silly carrying it.
WE bumped into john in bugis!

WE WERE LIKE -.-! rachy kept laughing la.
But we had to stay calm if not we would give ourselves away.
So i told him we are going for chui mian's birthday party! HHAHA
all thanks to the silly balloon. it was such an eye catcher!

After which we seperate ways and met up with the rest of the cell!
Shirley brought john to hk cafe first to stall time, while the rest of us made our way there!
i bought 3 chewy junior to substitute boring cakes.
Since this is his last single birthday, we wanted to make this bd a memorable/party-like one!

The cell surprised him with a LOUD birthday day song, 3 chewy juniors, a GIGANTIC FLOWER BALLOON and his birthday gift! :)
he was super embarrassed.
Everyone in hk cafe were looking at us.

The dinner was simply enjoyable and hilarious!
We were talking about wedding and how to make a wedding more memorable like
rollarblading or dancing down the aisle! HAHA or wearing a coloured dress instead of a white traditional dress.
Salome says she will serve mayo as her dessert and oil as her main dish! -.-
that was the nonsense we blabbered through out the dinner!
Rachel and john did silly/disgusting dares.

I love being around them. I feel so natural, carefree.
Not having to worry if i would say the wrong things etc.
or constantly bombarded with self-righteous opinions.
Most importantly, i got to know shirley much better and i really enjoyed her company! :)

My mum is amazed how often we go out as a cell until now! :)
What's not to enjoy with people like them? :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I was just thinking to myself..
do i really have A best friend? Who is it then?
couldn't really get an answer. hmmm

Not that i don't have a best friend but i have many friends i treasure that i dont have A friend i cant do without. Maybe a few in particular. But definitely not ONE.

I have best friends in my secondary school and in church and my childhood best friend.
Irony right?
i mean BEST means only ONE.
All of my closest gfs have very different personalities.
To each i talk about almost different things.
Some i talk abt God more, Some more abt R/s Problems, some abt my family prob! Some ALL!

HAHAHA. ok, i know this is so random
but if all my Gfs fall into the river i dont know who i will rescue first.
I will try my best to grab all or form some human chain!

So gfs, pls dun ask me who i will save first!
Rachel once asked me before whether i will save her or alvin first!??!?!?!?!
i mean ?!?!?!

i have two arms, so i will hold 2.

Have been pretty preoccupied with dance!
i really love it a lot. i wanna wanna do well for it!
to be flexible and tight.
have nt been seeing A much :( we are both busy!
But thank God for whatever time we have together!
quality not quantity~~

Dad's bd- Sunday

Went ecp to celebrate my dad's birthday.
It was a really good time spent together as a family.
We talked about everything, and how i acted when i was a kid
Eg: always lost, very talkative, always asking questions etc.
My mum always share about God and how he has been so wonderful and evident in her life.
These talks alway remind me of God's love and existence in our life.
and how much we CANT live without him.
Every family will have their own sets of problem in certain phase of our life.
Perhaps in for as long as 5-10 years
But since God united us together as one, he will bring us through our problems.
He will create a way and a break through :)
I am still awaiting for ours!~

My bro and I are super crazy over this love/suspense trilogy about vampires/mortal.
Those who love romance, this is a MUST MUST MUST MUST READ.
Butterflies were flying around in my tummy thr out the book! yep!
Has a tinge of suspense in it too :)
: twilight, new moon and eclispe

Both of us camped tog in my room to read the book together, now i am moving on to the last book!
love reaaaaaaaaaading ~