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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Went to mustafa with my bro and alvin yest at 12 AM!
so fun! alvin drove us there to buy some BOYS STUFF!
man, my bro and al almost bought a matching running singlet!
can you imagine!
like a couple know??

and it was raining yest, i love rainy days+ car rides at night+ class 95/90.5 music!
the both of them keep making fun of me? tsk tsk.
boy power! tsk tsk

DE DE!~ all the best for yoour OP!
YOU WILL DO WELL :) i am sure

Monday, October 29, 2007

BEHOLD all ladies!
measureoflove has been updated! :)
wheeee ~

our God is so great, so strong and so mighty!

such a cutie right??
guess who owns this darling!!!!! :D
its not ME!
its my close friend's pet! :( BOO HOO
went to the pet farm with alvin and my bro on sat!
plentiful cute doggies man! i fell in love with a japanese spitz!
cute cute cute!
but i don't think i will get a puppy! its like a long commitment.
i am afraid i wont have enough time for it!
pets aside! i really want to thank God for teaching me some valuable lessons.
There was this period i have been feeling really stressed and pressurised over a certain matter.
The need to succeed, the need to be competitive.
However, God spoke to me while i was preparing cell lesson.
And it hit me hard that when pressure builds up , all i have to do is focus on Jesus.
He will def take care/supply all your needs.
And yes, i have been learning to trust him and indeed he works in many ways that i cannot see!
Thank you for blessing me
even if i don't deserve it.
you are amazing

Friday, October 26, 2007

will update the actual party soon!
see barnabassss, i update ok!!
I wanna go to the pet farm tmr!!!
my friend just got a maltese for only $750 , its a steal compared to pet safari etc.

oh you cute lil thing

I wish you are mine

Thursday, October 25, 2007

This is my two and a half months working in singapore sports school.
and i am loving it, although half of the time i am online, chatting on msn with some lazy worker too! ( who sleeps in his office! )

the people in this office are so lovely! i mean they are all really nice to me, esp one lady-shumin.
She took care of me ever since i started work, made sure i am fitted well, helped me with areas i am not sure in, warn me of certain ppl in management that may not be as nice as they look.

It seems to me i am blessed with an angel from God, someone to eat lunch with, go shopping with and share feelings with.
and we are like in our own world, not caring abt the office politics, bubbled by out ignorance of things that would make us upset.

My lady boss even asked me to go her house to stay over!
i love my job here and i thank God for always taking care of me wherever i go!
one more month and i will stop work le! :( gotta start prepareing gifts for them!

happy 16 monthsary and 3 days hun! :)
looking forward to our time tog on sat!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Our girls DAYout - a picnic by the swan lake

heh heh heh :)

Food glorious food!

waaaaaaa the bagget looks so nice huh?
its done by MOI! wahhaha
credits: Charity Tan ( yes the one in green)

ahh HUH! see the spongebob girl is sleeeeeping!
caught blue handed! only know how to eat! huh huh

the beautiful greeneries

we were were playing this no game, and whoever loses must do a FOURFEET! hahha
yup i was doing it!
wats picnic-ing without climbing trees ya?
ooooooyo ee ooooooyoee oooooyooee yeaaa i am jane and i love to climb on the treees :)

it looks easy to climb right! but wooooah when u starting climbing on the tree its a diff issue altogether! hahah
yay! bingo! tiring but super fun place to just chill and slack with your friends.
or rather soak up with each other's presence! bleah

long long due birthday dinner pics!

hahaha! bleah

this is what we do in a high class restaurant! wheeeeeeeee

this pic as seen above is totally no-link to the above pics! hahaha
but they are my two best boys! :)
heh heh

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Wheeets wheeeets~
i ENJOYED my sat yet again!
half of the step out committee when to pulau unbin for recce!
but before that, sal, lynn and I met up for brekkie!
After that we headed off with jian han, vin, da and joel sng to ubin!
boy was the recce tiring and SUNNY!

i think i got additional tan, cause a few ppl came up to me saying i am tanned le!
yeah yeah :)

after the recce, the gang came over to my place to chill and discuss more camp stuff!
But before that we went to my house play ground to play BLINDMICE!
I'm contented alr :) it was fun!!!
Thank god for salome, who was our secretary. the meeting was super productive.
got many things done!:)

Lastly was dinner at vin's place! da n vin's parents are really sweet!
they prepared western food and CRAB for all of us.
when we reached his place, the utensils were all prepared for us alr!
bottomline: FOOD WAS GREAT!
Company was great-ER!
AFTEr dinner we snuggled in vin's balcony and caught some christian shows on his laptop.
fun-filled and exciting day!
i really hope for all the committee of the camp to bond well and lead the campers well too! :)
I Thank God for everyone!

Been feeling really giddy the entire week! :(
but my 2 new pairs of shoes really help perk me up!!
i bought this white loafer i wanted to get for 1/5 of the price!! really cheap and good buy!
plus another hot pink wedges :)

yay! i am happy happy

Friday, October 12, 2007

My sec school malay class mate just passed away.
motor bike accident.
He's only 19!

the news simply overwhelmed me.
whats life after death for them?

life is so fragile.
it can be taken away from you just like that.
but whats on earth is temporal. life after death is eternal.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Had a really FUN and whacky sat!
Spent my morning to evening with my sec friends
a bunch that i was/is close to but fail to make time for them.
I feel really bad "ps-ing" them all the time when they ask me out.
So yesterday i decided to get them out and we went B-L-A-D-I-N-G!

woooooooo hoooooo :)
Mei didnt know how to blade so she had to borrow this ultra cool looking blades
it looks like a toy car la!

And i must really give her credit for learning! although we fell a lot of times with her.
After blading we went to have lunch at HK cafe! :)
had a fun time laughing and talking and Catching up.
at first i felt a bit wierd because its been a milliiiiiiionnnnnn years since i last went out with them.
But thank God, we gelled really well tog like before.

After walking around we saw this temp tatoo-ing booth.
So we decided to give it a try!
After goo goo gah gahing over it for awhile, <3>

Then i went to alvin's hse for steam boat with lynn and da! good food, good company! Lastly! we headed back to my place to watch THE WICKER MAN! Salome and rachy joined us too! TWC is a really mind- BOGGLING AND DISTURBING show. while watching the show, i had this really wierd feeling thr out.

But ohwells after the show we played many many games and talked about our most embarrassing moments.

We talked/played till5 am in the morning.

errr ya! hahhahahah!

there was hahahahha and more HAHHAHAHA


Thursday, October 4, 2007

i was walking home with alvin yesterday.
I passed by a play ground with people almost my age playing blind mice!
oh man!
i miss that game so so much.
still remember how i used to play for hrs in the playground, hiding from the blind mice!
since i miss that game so much, i decided to call my friends over after reach light to play!
I know it sounds childish, but we should bring back childhood memories once in a while right?

Monday, October 1, 2007

yay yay yay!
I am going to watch nanny diaries later!