such a cutie right??guess who owns this darling!!!!! :D
its not ME!
its my close friend's pet! :( BOO HOO
went to the pet farm with alvin and my bro on sat!
plentiful cute doggies man! i fell in love with a japanese spitz!
cute cute cute!
but i don't think i will get a puppy! its like a long commitment.
i am afraid i wont have enough time for it!
pets aside! i really want to thank God for teaching me some valuable lessons.
There was this period i have been feeling really stressed and pressurised over a certain matter.
The need to succeed, the need to be competitive.
However, God spoke to me while i was preparing cell lesson.
And it hit me hard that when pressure builds up , all i have to do is focus on Jesus.
He will def take care/supply all your needs.
And yes, i have been learning to trust him and indeed he works in many ways that i cannot see!
Thank you for blessing me
even if i don't deserve it.
you are amazing