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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Another korean got killed.
i saw the news, his mum cried so hard, she could barely walk.
my heart gripped so tightly,
life. .
so unpredictable,
treasure what we have and not take our lives for granted.
No matter how much we suffer in life, problems, stress, issues
at least we still have our precious life given to us by God.

no one knows what's coming to us.
just prepare

Monday, July 30, 2007

I had such a enjoyable, laugh-able, hilarious, finger-pointing time with you you YOU
Old maid was nothing but fun n thrilling!
guess who ended up being the old maid?

i am glad e day ended this way :)

The silly things the boy do when he is bored:
1. msn me when he is using the com and i am using e lap top ( when we are in the same house! )
ya ya -.-
2. SHAKE his legs like there is no tmr
3.calls himself stupid
4.make stupid faces which he thinks will BEAUTIFY himself
double -.-
( as above pic )
i rest my case

my brekkie on the way to work! :)
sweet sweet delight!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

You think you are teaching me, but do u realise it may be the wrong way?
i waited for you at the interchange, you never came

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Yesterday, i had to work ot cause the New
Zealand groups came at 10 plus!! so i decided to stay in my hostel! :) maximise the utilities given! HAHAA sooooo i called my rachy to come and accompany me. The place quite scary at night~

yes! at first i thought she would not come because she has so many things to bring and meeting ppl the next
BUT in the end she DID! yay yay :)

The hostel is like a chalet! :) got two beds, a tv, 2 big wardrobes , a bathroom and it is air conditioned man!! so we were like slacking happily in the room:) <3>
Thanks! that was really sweet.

Then me and rachy started planning for something we wanna accomplish :) After that i taught her how to play SNAP
and i trashed her flat like for all the times we played! HHAHA
( anyways rach, nobody beats the opponent when she loses! )
All in all it was a fun night! but i had to wake up at 5 plus to
check out another guest while she gets to sleep like a PIG!
oh wells :) no complains!
Anyways thanks rachy for coming down all the way!
hope u enjoyed urself as much as i did

Ps: Anyone wants to sleep there with me next time? :)
Pss : BERMBO u are N-E-X-T

Friday, July 27, 2007

To xxx:

Thanks for doing everything you can for me.
For putting in all you've got to please me.
For making me happy with your sincere acts
For doing everything without complaining and expecting anything in return
For helping me whenever i need you around.
For being beside me whenever i am down.
For supporting me when i am about to venture on something new..
For laughing so hard with me at silly things we do
For poking fun at each other
For going through those emotional rides with me
For all you've done,

a big thank you.
i appreciate your efforts, i really do


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Serena just msged me about 23 korean missionaries that got kidnapped in taleban.
And the Taleban militants are using them as a bribery tool to get Korea to withdraw thier soldiers.
its all about war.
no humanity, no conscience, no compassion
lives for a condition.
if their demands are not granted, the militants will kill the 23 korean missionaries.

My heart ached when i heard about the news.
life is so fragile.
However to live in christ is VICTORY!
I've prayed for them and i noe that God's peace which surpasses all understanding would guard thier hearts and minds!
For they have the almighty Lord to back them up!

when things like that occurs, i learn to take life with stride and pleasure
whenever i face difficulties i think about others that are suffering a million times worse than me!
so lets all life with contentment with God as our FOCUS

Monday, July 23, 2007


As Jesus Christ's followers, give him your all. Stop looking for things to give you happiness or satisfaction.When you turn it all to him, you will find what you've been looking for all along
- James Macdonald

So many a times, we seek to find real happiness from rs, friends, work, achievements.
Trying so hard to fill our empty lives with activities, we power packed actions, but there is still this empty hole in our hearts that can never be filled.

Dying to self is the price of true happiness.
We'll come our as winners when we trade our list with God's list :)

Its the first day of my five day job :) and its at sports school!
somewhere i never imagined myself to work in.
My job requires alot of detailed and careful planning & coordinating.
Dunno how my work days will be in future but i am surrendering all to God!
oh wells, my day started of well BECAUSEEEEE ..
MY <3 sent me to work early in t weeeee morn :) to woodlands! yup :)

work was pretty cool, have a very cool office!! :) e office its like my OWN ROOM LA!
i will decorate it until nice nice soon :)
thank God, the manager offered me free hostel and everyday MEALS!
hahah :) so next time if i work ot i can choose to stay in my room!
so i am very happy with whatever given :)

we'll give ourselves no rest, till your kingdom comes on earth!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

An old man fell partially on me on e escalator today.
Then he felll flat on the steps.
the sharp edges steps.
i was shocked. am still shocked.
but i thank God for e protection of the old man.
he could 've had major injuries.
Thank god he only had minor bleedings on his fingers.

Thank you God for sending us guardian angels to protect us everyday.
Thank you for upholding us and shielding us with your love.
i am still shocked.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Had a fun time with my girlies today!! :)

Went to cartel ( our very fave spot where we do alot of stupid stuff ) for dinner!

i seriously think the standard of cartel dropped quite a lot. the fries are so puny now :(


we had a lot of fun catching up, talking abt bfs and all.

MISS HOTTIE aka sheryl chua was busy msging during our TRIO DATE NOE!

how can how can?? tsk tsk

we almost wanted to confiscate her hp noe!

yeah thats how BAD!

after dinner we went to NTUC to walk walk and pat tor!


i was busy searching for my PADDLE POPS!

but cant find :(

we decided to go back to lisas place cause we wan her to DRIVE US HOME!!!

I WISH i could learn driving and get my own car too!


jia you Charity! i see the march coming ! :)

then because of this

i became very happY! YAY YAY YAY

paddle pop! hey ! paddle pop! hey ! super duper YUMMY!

HAHAH me and hottie sang it out loud k!

This is my fav HOTTIE :)

lisa lisa lisa! she can drive and have her own car leh! * JEALOUS*

NEEHH MIND! i will have my own car some day! :) ok daddy?

I started loving cats when i met lisa's AB AB! i fell it love with her!

I really enjoyed singing songs and holding hands with u girls.

so cheerful and carefree :) reminded me so much of the old days!

i'm loving it :) :) :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Heb 12:5
" my son do not make light of the lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,
because the lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son."
" no discipline may seem pleasant at that time, but painful. later on, however it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it"

provs 26:11

" As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly "

Its so easy to teach God's word.
Its so easy teaching your cell members what to do, what is right, what is wrong.
But the question is.
Are you living a life parallel to what is being taught every sunday?
Are you a good example and testimony of your teachings?
Are you applying what you have read for qt?
i am ashamed of e many things i have not done and have done.

i am sorry Lord for taking your grace so lightly.
For i know you are a just and holy God
and u are a God of discipline.

But i am thankful to know your mercies are new every morning :)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Had a surprise party for Alvin last sat!
it was to make up for his dull and lifeless 21st birthday

so i decided to make his 22nd a BLAST!

AND of course much preparation was needed

stuff like food, deco, people etc etc

i had my own deco committee too! :)

Gaz and I blew like a million balloons

then we decided to have some fun and took PHOTOS!!

Thia pineS and rachy helped mme out with the streamers too! :) :)

and knowing rachy! she cant do wout some photos taken!

Then we started hanging the party deco! thanks thia pines for your help!

its good to have tall people around man!


yay! everythings done!!

Before the party! meanie bern decided to buy this ugly hat to make al wear thr out the party

so we decided to play with it first!


hahah finally yanda brought al home, after their shopping trip!

seeeeee the happy happy boy ( with his UGLY HAT! )

Soon after the celebration, it was TABBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOO TIME!

kudos to bernbo for bringing it!

wei xiong! AS USUAL! making alot of noise while playing it! hahaha

pictures of the girlies :)

Salome was being very evil and decided to give al another SURPRISE :)

All in all it was a superb day :)
tedious in preparing but i was very satisfied

E- EEEEEeeeeeeee

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Thank you Lord for oversee-ing all the little details
Thank you Lord for helping me solved all the little problems.
Thank you Lord for everyone that helped me with the preparation,
Thank you Lord for the food provided.
Thank you Lord for assuring me that things will turn out fine
Thank you Lord for making the surprise party a success
Thank you lord for EVERYTHING!

wat would i do wout you?

Thursday, July 12, 2007

My bro and I were suppose to swim today.
yes we started swimming a few laps
then i decided to take some photos
it was the wrong move!



we did get abit overly excited with the pictures and e fact that our camera is water proof

SO we decided to check if it is for real!

but hey! the pool is so beautiful! :)

Then we looked around and we saw... THE KIDDY POOL

the water playground was so cool, so we couldnt help it and took MORE PICS


it did get really bad when we sneaked into the kiddy pool to take more photos!!


this was not my intentions! for real

i didnt noe how it ended up like that!
but we had lots of fun! :) was supposed to meet al after tt to do some shopping!

so me and bro rushed down to tamp mall to meet him :)

hahaha e silly things we do

i guess there'll always be a child in us

at least thats for me!

1. we accept and thank God for what is given to us, not allowing what is not given to spoil us :)
2. Be quick to listen and slow to speak and anger
3. Obey your authorities and model after your former leaders
4. Honour your parents and you will be blessed
5. be faithful even through trials, endure to the end without giving up, so you will be perfect and complete.
6. dont jus listen to the word but PRACTICE them!

These i have learnt recently through circumstances that happened and when i was talking to jia.
i love talks like that!

they refresh and energise me to imitate christ.

Most importantly,
i love the talk i had with you today jesus :)
shopping with my bro and al later!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


and it all had to happen just before i started teaching!
still fuming over the lady that kaypos more than she need to
and accuses ppl and meddle into other ppl's lives. UGH

i immediately prayed because i have not felt like that for a long time
pissed and fustrated and so many things on my mind at once.

thank you lord for helping me calm down and easing my heart
its always in times like this, where only you can understand and help me.

pastor rony shared on sunday
true riches are not only pure finances but
2. peace thr adversities
3. joy when stuck in difficult obstacles
4. knowing there will always be a way out when we look to God

felt much better as e day passes
esp with my fav boy and bubble tea to accompany me home from work!


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

work has been tiring but so fun as well!
the people are nice and they really treat their stuffs really well!~
yest i was supposed to end work at 10 but at 8 there were no customers alr
our manager told us we can have steam boat for dinner!
my friend was joking that people pay to eat
while we get PAID to EAT!

i cant believe BERNICE laughs at EVERY SLIGHTEST THING
i will never go to any job agencies with her again~


Thursday, July 5, 2007

transformers is super ultra duper exciting and power packed!

its like my fav movies for now!
i love all the transformation and speed and humanity in the good robots
megan fox is super pretty too!
rather touching at certain parts too!
:) :) :) love love the show
dun mind watching it again noe?
and the best part is, i caught it with <3!

finally got e time to meet up and watch a movie!
thanks for e nighttt out :)