work work work! :)
though it has been quite tiring, i thank god for good company!
esp when i got to work with my sheryl lela!
haha we covered each other's back and made working so much more enjoyable!
yeah for SHERYL!
haha we talked about sec school, the people, the fun-ness!
i miss e bulk of them so much :(
can we have class bbq soon soon plllllsssss? ( sheryl go organize k ) llove you!
We also toked abt how sometimes friends can take u for granted and call you only when they need you.
so true. but i guess it happens sometimes!
OH WELLS . . .

SHERYL! we must go out soon k! with _ _hn_th_n too! HAHAHHA
ps: sorry deidre for psing you! not feeling well ma! promise to go out soon k :)